Bef Power Remote Monitoring and Management System, supported by GSM and internet Technologies, is an extremely handy and cost-effective web-based solution that enable users to monitor and to interfere the generator set remotely in case of need.

This high-tech system transfers data of the generator set operating on the field to a remote device such as a computer, tablet or smartphone through a control panel that is connected to the internet and allows users to manage their gensets through these devices.

The control panel, which directly communicates with the generator set, transmits the operating data to BEF Power servers via a modem connected to the internet.

Authorized users, who connect to BEF Power Servers via BEF Power Remote Monitoring and Control System Interface, can access all the performance data, measurements and operation reports of the generator sets.

Without installing any additional software, users can utilize Remote Monitoring and Management System through a desktop computer, a laptop, a tablet or even a smartphone which has internet access.